Located in the grounds of theclub at Cadbury House in Congresbury the course includes a series of fiendish obstacles including a three-metre climbing wall, parallel bars, varied height chin up bars, balance beams and monkey bars.

Designed to improve the stamina and fitness of those who take part, it’s hoped the chance to exercise outdoors will attract those wanting to get in shape and lose a few covid kilos!

Jason Eaton, general manager at the club said: “The term “boot camp” is most commonly associated with the military and was designed to get new recruits in shape before they became proper soldiers. Today, the bootcamp has been replicated into the civilian world and are hugely popular.  

“Boot camps have grown in popularity because they are a great way to get in shape. The idea is to use the body weight as the main resistance. There’s a lot of teamwork and the camaraderie is brilliant while the benefits for the individual are massive.

“This helps push people to achieve goals they might not reach on their own. They help burn calories, increase strength, boost confidence, improve aerobic endurance, aid coordination and increase balance, so what’s not to like.

“This course here at Cadbury House will now drive participants even further. The exercise stations are all numbered so people can do pre-set circuits and enjoy harder, more varied boot camps in all-weather, all year round!”

“We ran boot camps before but had to stop due to the pandemic so it’s great to bring them back.

“We’re now looking forward to putting members and guests to the hotel through their paces on the course.”

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