We have exciting plans that will see £70,000 being invested in the main and spin studio’s here at theClub, Cadbury House.
This follows a comprehensive review of the Group Exercise product and will increase significantly the number and variety of classes available each week. It will include the introduction of a world-class range of ‘virtual’ classes which will sit alongside and complement our excellent range of instructor-led ‘live’ classes.
The result means we will be more than doubling our Group Exercise programme from around 80 to over 200 a week!
So you know what’s going on, below is a schedule of what is happening and when. Investing in new equipment and facilities does involve a little disruption but we will be keeping this to a minimum while running a reduced schedule of spin and main studio classes.
Spin Studio
To begin, the spin studio will be closed from Thursday 26th September and will reopen on Friday 4th October. The full spin schedule will then go live from Monday 7th October. During this time we will have a timetable of substitute classes that will be taking place in other areas of theClub. The schedule for this substitute timetable will be available from Thursday 19th September so please keep a lookout.
Main Studio
Work on the main studio will begin on Monday 7th October with the full reopening scheduled for Monday 14th October. Again, a reduced timetable of classes will be taking place between these dates, details of which will also become available on Thursday 19th September.
Member Surgeries
Prior to the work starting, we will continue with the member surgeries which have proved both popular and informative for those who have already come along. The idea is for you to meet members of the team and ask any questions you have about the exciting new changes.
The next surgeries are taking place on Tuesday 17th September at 5pm and Thursday 19th September at 11am in Marconi coffee bar so please do come along and we’ll be more than happy to chat about the plans.
New Timetable
So you can start to plan your workouts, the full, new schedule will also be released on Thursday 19th September. This will be sent via email and will also be posted on noticeboards in theClub, on the website and on social media. This will then allow you enough time to see for yourself the extensive and varying number of classes that will become available and a chance to book your slot.
Taster Sessions
Once the new classes have started and to enable you to familiarise yourself with what’s available, we will be holding taster sessions 15 minutes before any new classes begin. Instructors will then show you how the new equipment works and how you will get the most out of your session.
If in the meantime you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch, and I hope you will enjoy these improvements to our Group Exercise product.
Best wishes,
Mark Johns
General Manager
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