2023 Club and Spa Updates

As we start the new year we would like to inform you of some 2023 updates.

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23rd January, 2023

Crowdfund Appeal To Help Complete Pioneering Research Project

A member of theClubandSpa has launched a crowdfunding campaign which she hopes will help fund a pioneering project that will ultimately improve people’s health.

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28th September, 2022

Girls Football Scores with New Sponsorship Deal

Two local girls’ football teams from North Somerset have netted a significant sponsorship deal that will help them throughout the 2022/23 season.

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23rd September, 2022

Boot Camp Returns To Cadbury House

With the days warmer and nights longer, the region’s leading health club and spa has re-introduced its popular bootcamp to help people from across the South-West get in shape.

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10th June, 2022

Exercise to relieve exam stress

As we approach the 2022 exam season, there will be countless teenagers from right across the South-West studying hard for their GCSEs, A Levels and degrees.

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25th April, 2022

Don’t give up on exercise

Now that January is behind us and the days are slowly getting lighter many of us who set out in the New Year to get fitter, lose a few kilos or just wanted to just do a little more exercise are perhaps starting to wane in our motivation.

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7th February, 2022

Shredding those Christmas Kilos

Following the Christmas festivities plus, with lots of people still working from home due to the pandemic and being a little more sedentary, many will now be wondering what is the best way to shed a few kilos.

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13th January, 2022

The mental health benefits of exercise

As lockdown started to ease, the sense of euphoria about being allowed to meet up with friends and family may be masked over the fact that a lot of people were still struggling with their own personal mental and physical well-being.

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7th October, 2021

Bring the outside in this winter

During the winter when the weather is cold, the mornings and nights are dark, and it seems to never stop raining, it's hardly the best motivational factor to get outside to exercise and work up a sweat.

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29th September, 2021

Chance to try

With the school summer holidays now over, many families will be getting back to some form of normal routine.

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9th September, 2021

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